version: v1.0 name: AlphaGeek Production Infrastructure Deployment Pipeline agent: machine: type: e1-standard-2 os_image: ubuntu1804 blocks: # Use serverless to deploy to Production - name: Publish to Production task: # Import the secret environment variables secrets: - name: alphageek-aws prologue: commands: - checkout - cache restore npm - cache restore node-modules-$(checksum package-lock.json) jobs: - name: Deploy Infrastructure commands: - npm run deploy-prod-infra - cache store serverless-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH .serverless # Run tests on the UAT site - name: Test Production task: prologue: commands: - checkout - cache restore npm - cache restore node-modules-$(checksum package-lock.json) jobs: # Check that all links are valid - name: Test link validity commands: - npm run linkcheck-prod